SHAMED F1 boss Max Mosley could be excommunicated from the sport following his depraved Nazi the Pope.
Incredibly, the Vatican is a member of motor sport's world governing body—the FIA—which will decide 67-year-old Mosley's fate.
And Pope Benedict XVI's representative, Cardinal Renato Martino, will be there to cast his vote.
The News of the World broke the story that Mosley, son of British fascist leader Sir Oswald, was filmed romping with five hookers at a depraved Nazi-style orgy in a torture dungeon.
The FIA's no-confidence vote in Paris on June 3 could be of some embarrassment to the Pope.
He was born Joseph Ratzinger in Bavaria, Germany, and was in the Hitler Youth before fighting for his country in World War II.
Cardinal Martino, who is Italian, was one of the cardinals who elected the Pope in 2005.
He caused controversy the following year when he pleaded for clemency for Saddam Hussein after the Iraqi dictator was sentenced to death for his war crimes.
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